Upcoming Juneteenth Freedom Day Concert
Featuring Dr. Tillis
Date: Wednesday, June 19, 2024.
The Springfield Symphony Orchestra in Massachusetts performs the Juneteenth celebration. Many thanks to the wonderful musicians for continuing to honor Dr. Tillis' legacy.
Upcoming Concerts on April 5 and 6, 2024
We are excited to announce that Dr. Tillis’ music will be featured in three upcoming concerts on April 5 and 6, 2024! The wonderful Harlem Chamber Players will include his music as a part of their two-day chamber series at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the amazing Sound off! Music for Bail collective will perform the NYC premiere of Niger Symphony at the Church of the Village in Greenwich Village. Thank you to these brilliant musicians for continuing to honor Dr. Tillis’ legacy. If you are in the NYC area, we hope you can join us!
Celebrating the great Max Roach on his centennial birthday anniversary
January 10, 1924 - August 16, 2007
Dr. Tillis and Max Roach were longtime friends, artistic collaborators, and music faculty colleagues at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Pictured here from the left: Max Roach, Dr. Tillis, Dr. Horace Boyer, and Dr. Salvatore Macchia.
Happy 100th birthday anniversary with deepest admiration and thanks!
Happy 94th birthday anniversary to dr. tillis!
Many thanks to you and the continued celebrations of your wonderful legacy!
January 5, 1930 - May 3, 2020
If you are in the Western Massachusetts area, please join us for these upcoming concerts featuring music by Dr. Tillis. Thank you Harlem Chamber Players and Pioneer Valley Symphony Chorus!
If you are in the Galveston area, please come to the Juneteenth Festival where it all began! Celebrations include events featuring native born composer and musician Dr. Frederick Tillis. Congratulations to all of the festival arts organizers, we thank you.
June 15
June 18
Celebrating the Musical Legacy of Frederick Tillis
January 5, 1930 - May 3, 2020. In remembrance, celebration, and gratitude. Our deepest thanks to #umassmusic
Black History Month with Harlem Chamber Players
Harlem Chamber Players Perform Dr. Tillis' work in New York City on February 10 and February 12, 2023.
We are delighted to share that the NYC area enjoys another opportunity to hear the Harlem Chamber Players feature Dr. Tillis' work in two free concerts on Friday, February 10 and Sunday, February 12, 2023 for Black History Month. For more information, visit here.
Harlem Chamber Players
Harlem Chamber Players Perform Dr. Tillis' Work in New York City on December 10. 2022.
If you are in the NYC area, please join the Harlem Chamber Players as they feature Dr. Tillis' work in their free performance on Saturday, December 10, 2022. For more information, visit here.
The brilliant ensemble Castle of Our Skins released their debut album entitled Homage: Chamber Music from the African Continent and the Diaspora. Dr. Tillis' composition Spiritual Fantasy No. 12 is beautifully performed and featured in its entirety. For more about Castle of Our Skins and to purchase the CD, visit here.
University of Massachusetts Department of Music and Dance honors Dr. Frederick Tillis
On Sunday, February 20, 2022, the University of Massachusetts Department of Music and Dance honors Dr. Frederick Tillis with a concert of his music and other works in dedication to his legacy. For more information on attending either online or in person, visit here.
Credit: Edward Cohen Photography |
The Charlotte Symphony, North Carolina, Features Dr. Tillis in their 2022 Black History Month Celebrations
Credit: University of Massachusetts Amherst |
University of Massachusetts Amherst Naming Ceremony Announcement
University of Massachusetts Naming Ceremony Presentation